
A syllabus for a js (medium?) dev

The fast track #

In here, you find roadmaps for many developer careers. I use it to check the content and the links, but mostly to put names to the topics I need to learn. Then it's easy to find resources on youtube or books that explain that particular thing.

The gossip #

"I hope it's true that you are learning so much with this project of yours," someone told me. How could I measure if this is working? Writing and talking about it is already a more pleasant job than only reading tutorials, so that's a win. And I'm not here as a teacher; saying that all is already written is an understatement, and that's not the original reason for these notes. The contents are easy to find if you know what to look for, and that's the purpose of the roadmap.
The short notes are chaotic, like my brain, so I will backlink them here as a syllabus of memories.

  • A syllabus for a js (medium?) dev
  • Carmen Maymó